Monday, December 5, 2011

Mate' at 30% off !!! Until the 12th of December

For the next few days SerendipiTea is offering 30% off all online purchases of any of our Yerba Mate' Blends.
Until the 12th you can try the Chai like taste of Gaucho, the revitalizing straight Mate' & the uplifting and refreshing G'day Mate' at 30% off.
If you have not tried Mate' this is your chance!
If you've never heard of Mate' read on .... but the only way to get a taste of it is ...well... to get a taste of it!
Jump over to SerendipiTea and grab yourself a discount, you won't regret it.

Gaucho / Mate and mixed spice

Yerba Mate'
G'Day Mate' / Mate and Mint

Yerba Mate:
Yerba Mate, a ubiquitous S. American herb with deep cultural roots is native to Argentina, Brazil & Paraguay. The wild-grown holly shrub (Ilex paraguariensis), now formally cultivated, is found in the rainforest. Highly nutritious, loaded with anti-oxidants & numerous essential vitamins, like tea, Yerba Mate was used by indigenous people as food, beverage, medicine, a show of hospitality & even as currency. It contains matteine, a stimulant similar to caffeine yet much milder on the body with an energizing effect that doesn’t disrupt sleep or negatively react with the nervous system. Green Yerba Mate is grassy & herbaceous; Roasted is toasty & mellow. Steep the dried leaves in HOT rather than boiling water. Or, use a dried & hollowed, decorative Gourd as a vessel & sip through a Bombilla or filtered straw usually fashioned from stainless steel.