There are lots of ways to enjoy great tea.
and even more places to sit back & savor that flavor...
at home
while picnicking
at a friends home
Did you notice that I didn't say at your local cafe ?
While tea is becoming a serious option in more cafes, we have not quite arrived at that glorious time when we could pick a cafe at random and be assured of a great pot of tea.
Why is it so difficult to get a great pot of tea at a cafe?
As I sit and ponder this question I am in melbourne, a town known for its penchant to fuss over hot beverages ...
one beverage in particular but when it comes to tea it seems a teabag or powdered chai will suffice ( one day I'll go on & on about powdered chai's but not today)
It is about time this changed!
There are enough tea lovers in any town (even this caffine driven one) to require a better level of service and better quality of tea.
So what is the reason we as tea drinkers are getting the short end of the stick?
Let me tell you some of what i've heard :
"Loose leaf Tea takes too long to prepare" - I have seen people wait more than 15 minutes for the product of a barista tender machinations
"Loose leaf tea makes a mess"
Have you had a good look at whats going down behind that expresso machine?
"There are not enough tea drinkers to warrant taking a look at the teas we offer"
Really? In the last 5 years the tea market in Australia has grown from having just two majors players to at least 7!
Somebody must be drinking tea!
The fact is ( and I know this from tales told by my fellow tea lovers & sad personal experience ) tea lovers have become used to getting very little in fact, many, when out with their friends find it so futile that they simply order coffee.
This is unacceptable!
No... I say the time for excuses is over we all deserve real tea, great tea.
Just say NO to teabags!
One of the great things about western society is, the idea that the squeaky wheel gets the oil, so the next time you're in your local cafe don't stay silent while they push that tired old teabag on you...
Speak up!
Speak out!
Together we can break the tyranny of the teabag ....
First Melbourne... then the world!