Wednesday, September 15, 2010

SerendipiTea Retail Partners: Cafe Moravia

We are glad to announce that we have added Caffe Moravia at 662 Burke Rd, Camberwell to our ever growing list of Retail Partners.
Caffe Moravia offers a wide selection of fine Italian cuisine, Delectable pastry's & fresh Gelato made right there in house!
Moravia will be a premier site for SerendipiTea in the coming months you can look forward to seeing some very special new products and events centered around it including the new cafe bar at the rear that faces onto the Camberwell markets.

Over the coming weeks Caffe Moravia will be expanding it's offering of SerendipiTea for your enjoyment at Moravia & retail boxes for enjoyment at home.

In the very near future look forward to some in shop tastings and the addition of a line of delicious Mock-Tails based on SerendipiTea's amazing teas.

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