Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why choose SerendipiTea?

There are so many tea companies around these days... why would you choose SerendipiTea?
They ALL produce tea so what difference does it make?
One tea is just as good as any other ... Right?

Well... simply put.... No!

Just like wines or coffees there are many factors that make something very simple into something EXTRAORDINARY!

Of course to start with our blends are the reason so many are making the switch to SerendipiTea, as with any product that hopes to be outstanding in it's field the quality has got to start with the ingredients, our teas and tisanes are sourced from the finest single plantations in the locations known to cultivate the best tea varieties and fruits.
And then the blends... 300 + fun distinctive innovative combinations
Yes we have the flavor... but beyond that, we create blends that have a difference!

For example this months "Tea of the month" Ruby Sipper A blood orange tisane that presents bright red in your glass and from the first sip fills your mouth with the tart , crisp, citrus flavor of true blood orange... Now that's different!

Chocolate Teas, Chai's, Fruit Teas and tisanes all blended with one result in mind... to be distinctive.
So ... does tea make a difference?
Yeah... We think it does!

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