Monday, December 28, 2009

... But they never mention taste!

When I read the reviews of some other teas or the companies that produce them I am astounded by the fact that each one seems to find a way to avoid what to my mind is a very basic characteristic of tea .... the flavor!
I wonder what would make them avoid the subject?

You'll notice when we get reviewed the first thing written (as in the one above... thanks Karen Salken) is about taste... this is our focus!
Yes, we do single origin, organic, eco packaging and as much as we care about all these things (and we do! ) what would it matter if the taste wasn't there!
We make a great effort to create unique blends and we go to great lengths to assure that our oolongs are smooth and luxuriant, our greens are crisp & fresh so we are proud when it gets noticed.

So when you hear about other teas that claim this or that ... ask yourself ... " I wonder why they didn't mention taste?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Just read an article titled "Tea gets a quality infusion"

It is a fact that SerendipiTea has done a lot of great work over the years to raise the profile of tea, tea drinkers, single origin, fair trade & organic tea manufacturing, so when I recently read the article quoted in the title of this post I was a bit concerned.
I guess that after just under a year of SerendipiTea returning to Australia it might be expected that some points points about what SerendipiTea does and how we operate that are generally very well known around the world may not have been communicated clearly here in OZ...

Let's try to correct that!

Let it be known, that our mission is to raise the profile of tea & tea drinkers and further single origin, fair trade & organic tea manufacturing and much much more... in general to bring the tea lover out of second class status and into a place where the tea offered is of the same quality that is currently enjoyed by coffee drinkers, this is what our founder Tomislav Podreka had in mind at the start... all those years ago right here in Melbourne!
The accomplishments of Tomislav are well documented through his work with chefs, culinary institutes, tea organizations and plantations world wide.

Now pardon me if I show my passion a bit here but as my job everyday is tea... I know what is available out there and I am also fully aware of the bold steps taken by SerendipiTea to shake up the perception of Tea and to raise this drink out of the shadow... the rather long shadow, cast by coffee in this town (Melbourne) I hope and am trying to bring to an end the day when a bag dropped into a cup of hot water, or sub standard loose leaf served in a stainless hospital grade pot is truly over!
There is much more enjoyment to be had from a great cup of tea than is currently acknowledged.
But ...
It doesn't all go unnoticed... In my last Tea Master Class I was very happy to speak to a room full of tea lovers and future tea lovers that were very interested in how much pleasure could be derived from a cup of tea and stunned by how far the flavor palette can be stretched.
In the end we will continue as we have been, championing the merits of tea and in particular fair trade , single origin & organic tea and now I guess we will redouble our efforts to get in the faces of the foodies.