Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tea & health

More and more the health benefits of tea drinking are becoming part of mainstream thinking.

“It is believed that the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung (2737 BC) was the first to discover tea. Nung, whilst sipping boiling hot water in his garden, caught a leaf from a nearby tea plant in his cup. The taste of the water was altered and
he greatly enjoyed the result”.

Now if you think about it that's one heck of a long time for the merits of tea to move around the planet!
Finally, most of the world now knows what Nung discovered so long ago, and we also know much more about tea that complements what we can feel immediately.

Green tea , chamomile, white tea, black tea & oolong have all been studied for their curative properties but if you are a tea drinker your senses have already told you what the medico's are hinting...
Tea is good!

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